Friday, December 9, 2016


The nomination of "Mad Dog Mattis" as Secretary of Defense is a fancy way for Donald Trump to tell everybody in the United States: "Shove it up your wherever, I'm in charge and you can't stop me."

Mattis is not eligible for the position. By law, he must have been out of uniform (or never in uniform) for at least seven years. Trump knows that Mattis does not qualify, which is probably one of the reasons for his nomination.

The US Congress clearly stated its intent for Secretary of Defense nominations immediately following World War II. Appointing Mattis would violate the clear policy instructions of the Americans who survived the fascist tide of Nazism by defeating the Axis Powers. It might be considered "patriotic" to follow those instructions, but Trump is no Patriot.

These maneuverings by the presumed-president-elect have brought the concept of "civilian control" to the center of public debate. Most everybody would agree it's best to not have the foxes guarding the hen houses. But Trump is banking on the broadly-respected Mattis to convince everybody inside the beltway to - - - once again, just like the election - - - act against their own self-interests by letting the military run the military.

It's pretty clear that Trump is gearing up for a series of major wars. He will view geopolitical divisions as a business opportunity. 

In business, the big companies take over the small companies. We've seen that happen countless times in the last century or more. Whether that's good, bad, or ugly is an economic discussion; it's not my point here.

Trump the Simpleton will see the smaller countries as inferior due to their size, and will consider them ripe for takeover by the larger countries. Hence, his adoring fascination with Vladimir Putin and his unprecedented love for Mother Russia.

Trump the Fool will allow/encourage Russia to "consolidate their business operations" by taking over several eastern european countries, effectively re-forming the U.S.S.R. under the standard practices of large corporations. He intends to work with Russia on a variety of business initiatives, in part to ruffle the feathers of China, in part to enrich his family fortune. He only risks world war in doing so, and he has calculated his own survival of such a disaster to be high.

Trump the Assaulter wants to show "American Strength" to the world, using military force to make smaller countries comply with his demands. He wants most of North America and South America to be "owned by" the United States, while ceding most of Europe to the resurrected Soviet Union, putting pressure on China to do what they are told by the superior powers.

He misunderstands China. As much as he loves Mother Russia, he does not "get" the Chinese view of life and their role in the world. There are 1.2-billion Chinese, and they have the longest-running large culture in the world. They will not back down when pressured, and they are not vulnerable to bribes and money. They have more intelligence in their military kitchens than we are about to have in the White House.

China will mop the floor with Trump, but the costs in human lives will be of epic proportions. The likelihood of nuclear weapons usage is very high under Trump.


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